Simon Tulloch
Senior Talent Acquisition Manager

About Simon

Simon is an OG headhunter in financial recruitment. He traded in financial markets in London and Tokyo before entering recruitment's Executive Search side in Tokyo in 1996. Brokering derivatives trades soon transitioned to brokering derivatives people - high-flying I-Bankers, Rates, Equity, Structured Products, Financing and Lawyers. Post GFC as Japan regulations stifled innovation he relocated to an unshackled Hong Kong in order to better service his clients.

Simon now lives in New Zealand with spouse and 4 children near ye olde goldrush towns of 1860s. He likens those gold seeking pioneers' arrivals from far-off Shetland Islands through Guangdong to today's crypto early adopters and investors - seafarers and altcoin geeks both seeking gold to build a better life for their families.

Simon considers BTC to be digital gold and likens ETH to the railroad tracks. He says DeFi is the disruptive force of our generation - "the remedy to 2 billion people unbanked is $50 smartphones with DeFi P2P transfers and a well-timed 10x".

Simon's mission is to provide connectivity between Crypto/Blockchain/DeFi firms and smart new employees in order to speed adoption of Blockchain, DeFi and Dapps thereby disintermediating the financial cartel and Creature from Jekyll Island. DeFi will bring feeless transfers, access to loans for non-landowners, financial freedom and protect from a dystopian world of digital money access tied to social credit scores.

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